Optional timeout for FreeDNS


I’m using FreeDNS, which in most cases fails to start up correctly.

2020-02-03 21:24:15 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.freedns] Timeout from FreeDNS API at https://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/update.php

Would it be possible to add an optional timeout to overwrite the default of 10 seconds?


bump anyone?

Are you using freendns instead of duckdns or letsdnsocloud ? On hassos ? What is exactly the problem ?

Yes, I’m using FreeDNS on a normal HASS installation on Raspbian, not hassos. The problem is described in the first post, FreeDNS is timing out very often when restarting Home Assistant. Changing the timeout of the module from 10 to 20 seconds should solve the problem, but I don’t know how to do this locally or who can update the module.

If you are running raspbian, and your ip does not get updated with the HA integration, why not run a cron job separate from HA ? There are numerous linux clients :


I have exactly the same problem … did you find a solution?

Unfortunately no. The devs don’t care about the issue, so I had to switch to another DynDNS hoster.

Such a huge pity … FreeDNS is awesome. What did you switch to?

I switched to noip.com. You have to confirm your host name each month in the free version, but apart from that it’s great and reliable.

:laughing:I switched from NoIP.com to FreeDNS … ok thanks for the info.

I would have thought that there are other modules that would benefit from a delayed start too.