Hey folks, getting ready to replace my garage door opener and would like something that integrates with HASS (both status and control). Is there anything out there currently that I can get that I will be able to integrate with? I’m not above paying extra for something wifi or whatever. Any recommendations?
I got the Garadget about 2 weeks ago and love it! I get notified right away using their native app and the developer has been on this forum, working with folks to get it integrated. It works perfectly. It was also my first automation to make sure it’s closed at night. Highly recommended from this user.
Just connect a relay to the switch. I put a meter on mine to find how the button works and attached a relay controlled by http and magic.
Sweet, thanks! So that’s just the controller right? What opener do you have it tied into?
Opener? I just use my phone/watch/iot and whatever the garage door came with. Once it was connected to a web server relay the options were endless.
I should clarify, I mean the actual motor and all that physically opens the door. That’s the bit I need to replace. Just trying to find the best options for integrating the new one with HASS.
Just make sure that a momentary contact will open/close it.
Most garage doors work this way…
Then there are several options for controllers, but choosing those depends on a few things.
I use an RPi2 running another instance of HA.
This HA instance uses a 5V relay, micro switch, GPIO, Input Boolean, and Automation to control and get the state of the door.
My master instance of HA uses a command line switch and API calls to control and get the state of the door. It works pretty well but that’s another topic.
So do you have a suggestion? Also could you please clarify how you are getting the state information from the door?
I’m in the planning phase for the opener so would like something that’s easy to work with.
I think Chamberlain has a opener that uses MQTT, but I have no experience with it. http://www.chamberlain.com/smartphone-control-products/smartphone-connectivity
My brother in law has this controller but there are major issues with it working with Open Zwave so he is using a vera for all zwave devices. I cant remember what garage door opener he has but it momentary contact. https://www.amazon.com/Linear-GD00Z-2-Z-Wave-Certified/dp/B010FUZ43C/ref=pd_lpo_60_tr_t_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=GQYEG13XM0T2RT5J1QF4
I have a craftsman garage door opener. The state is obtained by mounting a micro switch at the bottom of the door so that at the moment it closes it contacts that switch changing the state of the GPIO port.
My main instance of HA uses a command_line switch for both control and state.
command_on: curl -X POST{"entity_id":"input_boolean.garage_control"}
command_off: curl -X POST{"entity_id":"input_boolean.garage_control"}
command_state: curl -X GET
value_template: '{{ value_json.state == "on" }}'
There are certainly easier ways to do this, but I had all of this stuff handy therefore saving 80-100 bucks on a controller.
I think the Aeotec controller works well with OZW, as do others.
Hope I haven’t got you off track here…
It’s a Genie brand. Any brand should work. Afaik they all have push buttons to mount near and entry way and you just wire into the button.
Oh, I use my alarm system to detect if the door is open/closed.
The web server is a a CAI webcontrol.
Nah, this is great info. Just want to figure out my best options.
I have yet to mess with MQTT so I don’t know what all that entails, though Chamberlin is a good quality opener.
I had actually found that z-wave device but lots of issues best I could tell.
So if I understand correctly, you have a generic opener and a micro switch right? Then you have a momentary contact that triggers the door to open/close? This might be an option, but the pi would get COLD in the garage. Probably <10 degrees F in the winter.
@bbrendon so how are you wired into the button? And what alarm system do you have?
Alarm is DSC 1832? I think that’s the model.
Wiring is just two wires on the switch connected to a relay.
I mean, what device do you have to tie into the two-wire button? How are you bringing that to HASS?
Thanks on the alarm, this is something I need to get nailed down as well.
Look up myq I have three lift masters that use a myq gateway and work great with HA
Sounds like you need a diagram. I explained how it works. Maybe the wiring is confusing or unfamiliar. It was for me before I got started with this stuff. Google the parts I mentioned and it might make sense.
I understand how it works, I just don’t know what you are actually using to tie the momentary contact into HASS. Is this something custom?
@rabittn this looks like the ticket! How hard is it to tie into HASS?
I dont like to use MQTT but it is a great tool.
That opener works well with VERA.
Yep just a good ole fashion craftsman, no bells and whistles.
This is a pi connected to my wifi…
I have a 5V relay connected to a GPIO. The problem is that a switch is on or off right?
I use an Input Boolean (virtual switch) and an automation to make switch turn on for a second and then back off finally resetting the input boolean.
- alias: Toggle command switch to control GD
platform: state
entity_id: input_boolean.garage_control
to: 'on'
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.garage_relay
- delay: 00:00:01
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.garage_relay
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.garage_control
The micro switch is wired to another GPIO port as a binary sensor so it is on or off depending on whether or not the switch is open or closed. When the door is closed it is in contact with the switch making it show closed or off.
So this here is a working garage door opener. Control + State
Next problem: This is not the instance of HA that is connected to everything else so I have to use API calls to the second HA instance from my main instance to control and get the state.
That is what I posted above. Options for Garage Door Opener?
Now in my Main instance I have one switch and the state of the switch is the state of my door. On==open Off==closed
For the record a tilt sensor or contact sensor would be better options for getting the state.
Finally, I live in Nebraska and although it has been a mild winter we have experienced some extreme cold and it keeps chugging along.
Like I said there are way easier options.
@PtP This is awesome, thanks for putting it together! Still exploring options but this looks like it might be a valid option. Thanks so much, really appreciate it!