Options.xml vs configuration.yaml for zwave


I’ve started wondering where the zwave config is coming from. I’m using hass.io and up until today I would think that the entire config is coming from zwave section in configuration.yaml.
I was adding new device today and I had some issues. I’m using custom config path and that path was working fine in the past (in the configuration.yaml), however I’ve recently modified options.xml file and adding ConfigPath entry there. I did not add trailing “/” to the directory and that was there reason of issues with new devices. I.e. HA was using ConfigPath from options.xml instead of the one from configuration.yaml.

Is this intended ? If so, then what other options are coming from options.xml file ? Up until recently I did not have NetworkKey section there (only in configuration.yaml). Is that going to be an issue ?


I also have the same questions. Anyone know the details regarding options.xml?