I also have the gateway in my home and have been looking into ways to connect it to Home Assistant. With the last updates (https://support.myopus.eu/changelog/) the Gateway now supports MQTT but the changelog does not specify how to enable/configure it. I contacted the support to provide some documentation but haven’t heard back.
The Gateway provides an endpoint at port 8080 that details the API but not detailed enough. Access user is admin and the password is the 8 character alphanumeric code on the box sticker. From the port 80 endpoint, you can also configure it for use with Alexa if that helps you.
Hey Markis,
How did you get it working? All I’ve found is this Article and this product https://myopus.eu/produkte/opus-iq/388/opus-iq-dot-steuergateway?c=137 which is coming soon (maybe it will come with better API docs). I would love to connect my OPUS devices (mainly switches and fire alarm) It would be amazing to get some further explenation.
Yeah I also have this Gateway but I thought the other one might solve my problem. But if it worked for you out of the box that seems to be wrong. So another question:
Which integration did detect it? I was’nt able to find an direct / 3rd party intigration for the OPUS system itself so it has to be some other system like MQTT or EnOcean right? I currently don’t have connected any dongles to my instance so there is a good chance I don’t have the one needed.
did anyone make it work with the Opus IQ DOT light Steuergateway? I do not see any device in Home Assistent. It supports MQTT but I do not know how to make it work.