Hey @bdraco I just got a bluetooth powered 3754 for free since our old gray 4729 suffered a water damage caused by broken power button rubber…
I am guessing it is a “PRO TriZone 5000 with wireless SmartGuide” since it has no Bluetooth symbol printed at the front and the lady told me it came with the display but it broke.
Manual shold be this one:
The interation discovers it as Smart Series 7000.
Everything seems to work except the high pressure value seems to be 128
- could you please add support here?
The phone app has the ability to en-/disable and move the brushes four clean modes - could this be supported too? I like the idea to be able to disable unused modeson the brush.
I have a test HA-VM and an ESPhome proxy already in use and would like to try helping as best as I can to capture the BLE traffic.
Another question: Did you ever thought about move the identifier to “Type XXXX” based identfication since that one is clearly printed on the brushes bottom?
Greetings from Germany