Orange Livebox Play TV says it's off

Hi all, until recently (not sure if it was caused by upgrade to 0.55.0) my Orange Livebox Play TV functioned just fine, I could turn on and off, see which channel was playing, change channel etc. But now it just says my boxes are turned off. I’ve checked that the IP addresses and all seem fine. Nothing relating to these devices is mentioned in the logs. Any ideas?

*Update - if I expand the card for the device (3 little dots) and click the power button icon then the volume and channel controls reappear and I can control the device. After about 2 seconds the device goes back to saying it’s off.



I confirm that I have the same issue.

I’ve reported the problem

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Seems to be fixed on my side now

Hi Hamador, I’ve updated to version 0.56.2 and now my Orange boxes aren’t detected, can you check if HA can see yours?


Hi @JS1,

I confirm that yes:

I can also start/stop/switch TV channel.

EDIT: please note that the IP has been added manually via:


  • platform: liveboxplaytv
    host: LB_IP

Best regards,

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