Orange livebox

Hi there
I don’t know if there are some French users of ha here that use a livebox but I can’t made mine works.
I use hassio 65 with a livebox 4
I’ve tried both the livebox and the TV box IPs
Is there someone using ha with a lb4 ? Thanks !

Hello, j’ai le meme probleme ? tu as trouvé une solution ?


Je ne sais pas si vous avez toujours un problème. Au cas où, chez moi ça fonctionne très bien.

bonjour vlebourl j’ai une livebox 5 fibre et je n’arrive pas à configurer hassio puisqu’il semble impossible d’ajouter duckdns ds les dyndns comment faire merci d’avance

Bonjour Pascal, je ne connais pas la livebox 5, mais pour ma part, je n’utilise pas le dyndns de la livebox, mais uniquement l’add-on DuckDns de Hassio. En revanche, ma livebox est configurée pour rediriger le port 8123 (le port par défaut de Hassio) vers mon raspberry pi (comme expliqué ici)

bonjour & merci pour votre réponse comment avez vous paramétré pour utilisé duckdns

j’ai suivi cette page :

Greetings Home Assistant & Livebox users!

I’ve been using this component in HA (installed via HACS) on my Livebox 4 and can pull in its sensors and all the connected devices.

I’ve also been able to put a “reboot” button in Lovelace, however, I can’t for the life of me work out how to toggle on/off the WIFI. Has anyone been able to do this?


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bonjour, je n’ai pas eu trop de difficultés à intégrer le composant par HACS, mais je n’ai que le taux de download/upload et le switch du wifi. Comment faire pour avoir le switch de relance du routeur et la latence par exemple ?

I didn’t have too many difficulties integrating the component by HACS, but I only have the download / upload rate and the wifi switch. How to get the router relaunch switch and latency for example?

Hi/Bonjour @vikland. Here is what my HA Lovelace Frontend looks like;


The lovelace card is as follows;

  - entities: []
    show_icon: true
    show_name: true
    show_state: true
    title: Orange Livebox 4
    type: glance
  - cards:
      - entity: binary_sensor.orange_livebox_wan_status
          action: none
        icon_height: 25px
        name: Reboot Livebox
        show_icon: true
        show_name: true
          action: call-service
            text: >-
              Are you sure you want to restart?  The network connection will
              temporarily be lost.
          service: livebox.reboot
        type: button
      - entity: binary_sensor.orange_livebox_wan_status
          action: none
        icon_height: 25px
        name: Toggle WIFI
        show_icon: true
        show_name: true
          action: call-service
            text: Are you sure?
          service: switch.toggle
            entity_id: switch.wifi_switch
        type: button
    type: horizontal-stack
  - cards: null
      - entity: binary_sensor.orange_livebox_wan_status
      - entity: sensor.orange_livebox_download_speed
      - entity: sensor.orange_livebox_upload_speed
    show_header_toggle: false
    type: entities
type: vertical-stack

BTW - I’m sure you are also aware that the Orange Box is not accurate with its true Up/Download metrics. The attached output uses Speed Test.

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