Oras digital hand shower integration

Hello, and thank you for a fantastick product. I have been using Home Assistant for 5-6 years now and it’s really the best product out there.

I am wondering in this times when the energy is so expensive and we all do what we can to moderate the consumption. I have a great showerhead that has bluetooth connectivity. It can messure the temperature, time and water consumption. Do you developers out there know if it’s possible to integrate this shower head?

Link to Oras website: https://www.oras.com/en/service/apps-tools/digital-hand-shower-app

That looks amazing, can’t see where to buy it or how much it will cost though ?

Available here:


They also have smart taps (faucets), never knew such a thing existed !

I have had mine for 7-8 mounths. It’s hard to get from time to time because its sold out.

Solution using ESPhome - GitHub - bipsendk/oras-shower: ESPhome code get grab data out of a Oras Hydractiva Digital shower head

Here’s my small component which works without esphome: GitHub - chkuendig/hass-amphiro-ble: Amphiro Digital Hand Shower component for Home Assistant

Hi Christian, Thanks für your HACS Integration of the amphiro shower.
I cant add the integration, because, i get a empty message (see screenshot) and the integration is not loaded. I have a Bluetooth USB on HASS added but no Bluetooth tracker configured.
Can you help me to integrate the amphiro?

The integration should automatically detect the shower head if it’s running (and in range obviously). I didn’t implement much of the config flow, so I’m not surprised you managed an empty alert.

There’s been somebody else who reported recently an issue Setting up / error · Issue #1 · chkuendig/hass-amphiro-ble · GitHub

Can you check what your logs say?

Connecting using BLE proxy ?

Finally got it working - but would like the power consumption to be with 2 decimals instead of 1 …
Any hints on how to modify that ?

I had exactly the same issue but modifying models.py to check last 3 bytes worked and the shower is now reporting the data to Home Assistant.

Great, thank you for the report. I pushed an update to the repository.

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Thanks, got it. Working great. Just setup HA automation that can divide the shower water usage for different people in the household.

Btw. Is there a possibility to get the green / red led light in the shower working? Just thinking about “green when under 50 litres” and “red above 50 litres” automation for the kids / wife in the house… :slight_smile:

EDIT: the led actually works but it seems to take a while to generate enough electricity to turn the led on. So there’s just a delay.