Ordering Devices

Is there a way to re-order devices in a group?

I have a bunch of lights in a group, but they show up in a random order.

I think they show up in the order that they are defined (not on the groups, but the individual setup/definition of the light).

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That’s correct, I found this out the other day when trying to troubleshoot something.

There is an open issue for that.

It was as easy as that!

Starting to get the hang of this.

Is there an easy way to order components within a group?
This issue was closed but I don’t see that anything was added to allow for ordering of components. I know groups can be ordered but I don’t see how individual components can be reordered.

I tried the space trick with friendly names, which was last suggestion in the thread, but that didn’t seem to work.

I see various posts that devices will display in the order they are listed but that doesn’t seem to be the case for my tests.

Does the current version have a means of ordering components?