Ordering of Labels

The addition of Labels and Categories has finally got me to start rebuilding my automations in the Home Assistant native automation platform.

But one thing that bugs me is Labels sort alphabetically. It would be great if the user could drag and drop to set a custom order.

Example: In the below screenshot, I wish I could drag the one Holiday label to be after Lighting, so all the “Lighting” labels are lined up.

Yes, it’s a a bit of an OCD thing, but it so are labels in the first place, and it would be easier on the eyes and easier to understand at a glance. Especially when multiple Labels are in use within a Category.

An additional related request with Labels, why can’t it show more than two?! Please show all Labels instead of a “+1” when there are more than two.

I get that one purpose of Labels is search and filtering, but I would really like to use it as a visual organization tool in the flat list of everything.