Ordering Panels in Lovelace

I’m sorry if this has been asked before, but I’m clearly doing something wrong and I have no idea what.

I’m trying to set panel order in the way I want it in Lovelace. I select hte up/down buttons the panels seems to decide where they want to go. Panels seem to move about in a random order when trying to rearrange them on the dashboard with seemingly no rhyme or reason.

I must have some kind of “automatic ordering” on the dashboards, but I can’t find a setting for that.

Can someone help?

You need to use horizontal and vertical stacks of cards to make their place definitive :wink:

My guess is that this is the result of trying to make the webpage responsive. If you made your browser window thinner, so that it wouldn’t fit two cards side by side, the up/down buttons would work as expected. It is only after the second column appears that the card order seems random.
It kinda makes sense: you don’t really want it to populate the first column first, because the first card in the second column would then be one of the lower ones – one that you wouldn’t expect to be at the top.

It’s definitely not that.

Not sure if I understood what you’re looking for. Maybe this helps you?

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