Organize Helpers


is there any way to organize the helpers in the UI?

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your helper entities.

Some kind of grouping, putting them in folders, adding tags for finding them easier? I did not find any method, but maybe I just failed to see the option?

I have a mix of UI-generated helpers and YAML-defined ones. Latter mainly used in and for automations. It would be great to organize them into folders of some kind, so the UI does not get cluttered.

Thanks in advance

I think your request is very similar to this feature request (except that the feature request asks for Automations instead of Helper entities, but the view is very similar) Grouping Automations on frontend for organization - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community (

Welp, seems like you are right. So no solution for the time beeing. :frowning:

Would be good if you vote for it to be implemented hopefully :wink: