Orphan Automation created during Home Assistant restore operation

Today I created an automation titled “Pill Bottle”, things did not work out as i accidently deleted an unrelated automation (it happens). I decided the simplest remedy was to do a full restore from a backup I made yesterday. When the restore was completed I was shocked to find the “Pill Bottle” Automation was still showing in the Home Assistant automation list. I cannot delete the Pill Bottle automation, when I try Home Assistant replies “Only automations in automations.yaml are editable.”

Question 1) How can the Pill Bottle automation continue to pop up in Home Assistant’s Automation list after a full restore was completed from a period before the Pill Bottle automation was created?

Question 2) is this a benign condition?

Question 3) how can I delete the orphaned un-editable Pill bottle automation?

if the database is somehow out of sync, have you tried adding in a dummy “Phil Bottle” automation manually in to automation.yaml and then try deleting it in the ui?

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That’s a good thought, I will give that ago.

I took no action. Somehow the problem resolved itself. Everything is back In Sync. The orphan automation is no longer in the directory listing. Perhaps Home assistant program has a backend process for resolving this. In any event, the synching issue had no impact on performance I could see.