Orro Dimmer with light switch integration

Orro Just released their beta for their local API. I would really like to see an integration for home assistants. If someone is willing to implement this that will be great

Thank you.

Curious if anyone is even working on this?

I would also really love to see this. I know a bunch of people wanted the integration for “brilliant” switches, but they don’t have an API, and this product appears superior.

Doesn’t look like anyone is going to take on this project. Anyone want the Orro switch that I bought? It’s just sitting on the shelf not doing anyone any good.

where do you live around?

Sent you PM

Another switch company bites the dust. I got this email from Orro today:

It’s a Sad Day

Today is a very emotional day for all of us at Orro as we’re announcing that Orro is suspending operations, effective today, October 27th, 2022. Please read the letter below from our CEO, Colin, to understand what is happening and why.

It’s been a true joy and honor to get the opportunity to share the Orro story with all of you over the last 2 years. We, like many of you, were (and still are) very bullish of what Orro has already built and what it could become. Orro’s special and many of you have validated that for us. With that, we say see you later…but not good bye, as you never know what may happen.

Your Orro Pro Team
Patrick “PG” Gall and Rashid Nixon

A Letter from Our CEO

To the Professional Channel,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to share that on October 27th, 2022, Orro will scale back operations for most of its business functions. As the group of partners we’ve dedicated our business to serving, we wanted our professional partners to hear directly and plainly from us on what is happening.

For the time being, we will no longer manufacture Orro Switches or release new software updates for the Orro Smart Living System. At this time, we do not know when our business operations may resume. However, the following will still be true:

  • Existing Orro systems will continue to operate in their current state and Orro is committed to supporting Orro systems working as-is for the next 6 months, at minimum.
  • New systems can be commissioned and used.

We hold dearly to the way that this channel embraced Orro over the last two years and we were incredibly excited to see all of you growing the use of Orro in your projects. Making these difficult changes with those opportunities ahead of us is heartbreaking. Unfortunately, it is a hard reality that we must accept.

Like many other companies, the factors contributing to the world’s economic challenges materially impact Orro. Supply chain constraints limited our ability to meet customer demand - slowing our growth and limiting progress toward becoming a self-sustaining business. The economic downturn significantly lowered the market’s appetite for financial risk and acutely stressed young companies like Orro that need capital to grow. As a result, Orro could not raise the capital needed to continue its normal operations, and our decision to suspend operations became a financial necessity.

Going forward, we will continue to pursue opportunities to revive our business and are hopeful that this will be possible as the economic environment improves.

While the future is uncertain, there is clarity about our past. Our mission has always been to help people live better lives at home. I believe we succeeded in bringing an innovative perspective to the industry, proved that a truly intelligent home is within reach for all of us, and hope that we put a dent in the universe of what will come. Orro’s ability to create our award-winning products and help our customers live easier lives was only through the vision and support of partners like you. We are eternally grateful for these relationships and the belief that you shared with us.While this is the end of one chapter, we are certain it’s not the closing of our shared story.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.

