Orvibo S20


I’m trying to add the Orvibo S20 plug to my HASS setup, however cannot seem to get it to integrate.

I am using the Orvibo method as listed under components and have tried both auto discovery and setting IP and MAC address settings

The model is S20 (B25UK).

I have an S20 plug working fine. Did you configure it via the app first? Does it show anything in the HASS logs during startup?


Yes I configured it via the HomeMate app first. I will check the logs.

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I found why, the plug is the new model for the UK - B25. Does not integrate with HA currently.

Hi, I think I have one old version that works. I then bought a second one and this does not want to connect. Instead of using the WiWo app, I had to use the HomeMate app, which would seem to imply that the new one is not compatible.

Is anyone working on integrating this new model?

From my logs, I simply get:
17-03-14 11:58:10 ERROR (Thread-6) [homeassistant.components.switch.orvibo] S20 at {IP Address removed} couldn’t be initialized

Correct B25 not same as S20.
If you were sold an S20 but sent a B25 ask for your money back…
Same thing happened to me when I was specifically looking for S20.
(Pretty sure that there are no new S20s available in the channel now)

Since I have one I was sent in error (I ordered S20 received B25) I was searching.
As far as I can tell:

  1. B25 uses HTTP, S20 uses UDP
  2. No one wrote a driver for it yet (google) - e.g.
  3. There is a feature request for B25 here: Orvibo B25
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orvivo wiwo


  • platform: orvibo
    discovery: true
    • host:
      mac: bc:0f:2b:a8:3b:c7
      name: “luz salon 1”

Did you make your Orvibo S20 Plug work with Homemate App. Mine just works with Wiwo App; it’s useless. I can’t make it work with my Google Home service. to pair it with Google home, I should work with the Homemate then activate the service.
any help please, their support service doesn’t answer.

Hi, I don’t use native apps at all, nor Google home, I use Home Assistant to control these… Although, I have moved away from WiFi sockets now… they are too unreliable over time and now use Z-Wave instead which is much better

there is a bug in the integration… where it can be fixed/or how? Once plug is integrated it cant be added to any Area… the issue is following,

This entity (‘switch.lamp’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.

can anyone report/ fix that?
here is the source> core/homeassistant/components/orvibo at dev · home-assistant/core · GitHub


Anyone is successfully using in 2024 a S20 with Home Assistant? I can’t seem to add it through the Homemate App or the Wiwo App.