OSRAM 816619 Smart+ LED, ZigBee GU10 - how to control color temperatur in HA over ZHA - solved

Hi everyone,

I’m progressing in migrating my home automation from Deutsche Telekom’s Magenta Smarthome (MSH) to HA.

HA is up and running, RaspberryMatic as well, both is integrated as well as my IKEA Smart Home items and I have already successfully migrated a couple of devices and remote controls (e.g. HMIP-RC8). Additionally I have implemented the first automations on HA.

I have also migrated some OSRAM 816619 Smart+ LED, ZigBee GU10 bulbs from MSH to HA. For that purpose I run a SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus,TI CC2652P + CP2102(N) supported with the ZHA integration.

I’m able to detect the bulbs and integrate them in my HA setup. I can easily build automations where I switch on and off the bulbs with the HMIP-RC8 remote and dimm them darker or brighter.

The only issue I have is that HA seems not to support the change in color temperature which the bulbs are capable off!

Does anyone have a hint where I can learn more about how to change my HA’s configuration so that I can also change the color temeprature of the bulbs?

If anyone has a good source where I can read more about this topic, I’m grateful!

Best regards and Merry Christmas!


All right, now after some 2 weeks of time, and a couple of activities, my issues are completley solved. Here is what I figured out in the meantime, what I did so far and where I am right now with respect of my ZigBee bulbs and controlling them with HA:

  1. Different from my memory I’m NOT using the mentioned OSRAM 816619 bulbs but I’m running LEDVANCE SMART+ ZB SPOT 4.9 W 220…240 V 36 ° GU10 (model 4058075208438) somewhat the successor product of the OSRAM bulbs

  2. I run a couple of updates of Home Automation Core since when I posted the original post. In fact so far I installed every update almost immediately. Currently I’m running the latest stable HA version 23.1.1. I can’t say to which extend any of the HA updates helped with my issue

  3. I rund a firmware update for my ZigBee USB stick. I’m runnning an SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus based on TI CC2652P + CP2102N and I updated its firmware according to the vendors documentation with the latest coordinator firmware (as time of writing CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20220219.zip from Koenkk’s github repo.

After all of the above I was able to change the color temperature of the bulbs through HA’s launchpad. The last challenge then was to create an automation which changes the color temperature of the selected bukbs.

Apparently it is currently not possible to create such an automation only with the guy but it seems necessary to do a bit of copy&past plus minimal edit in YAML.

Here is how one of my automations looks like:

And here for reference the YAML code for the action part of the automation:

  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.eg_wz_w_leds
      color_temp: |
        {{state_attr('light.eg_wz_w_leds', 'color_temp')|int - 100}}
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.eg_wz_e_leds
      color_temp: |
        {{state_attr('light.eg_wz_e_leds', 'color_temp')|int - 100}}
mode: queued
max: 10

Hope this helps one or the other Newbie with HA, ZigBee bulbs & controlling their color temperatur through automations!

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