OSRAM Lightify BR Tunable White bulb detected incorrectly

So I have a bunch of Sylvania BR30 tunable white zigbee bulbs, and all of them are being incorrectly detected with a supported_features value of 51. I believe it should be 35 as these are not RGB bulbs.

I can work around this problem by using the Customize Entities feature, so that the lovelace UI works correctly. The problem problem that I can’t work around is building scenes with the UI. I think because the bulbs come in with a rgb_color setting in the entity, because they were originally configured as 51s, that rgb_color setting automatically gets included in the resulting scene (built through the UI), which breaks color temp support (I just found this out: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/setting-color-with-rgb-color-doesnt-work-with-data-template/75415).

How would I go about changing the implementation/detection of these bulbs so that they come in with the correct supported_features value?

Alternatively, I may be way off base as to why the scenes feature isn’t working correctly, so I’m open to all suggestions.