Finally figured out the 5x5x5 for pairing the lights to my ST hub, have a bunch of things integrated into HA using the MQTT bridge. Color control for these appears to be set via Hue and Saturation.
Here’s what is coming in on my bridge:
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Cabinet Lights/colorTemperature/state = 3257
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Cabinet Lights/hue/state = 0
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Cabinet Lights/saturation/state = 97
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Cabinet Lights/hue/state = 28
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Cabinet Lights/saturation/state = 90
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Cabinet Lights/hue/state = 31
info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Cabinet Lights/saturation/state = 92
So I’ve read this:
I see the option for HS, trouble is, it looks to be set via one command topic, anyone else encountered this?