Ost access from home assistant (the unifi protect integration) to my UMD protect cameras.. "Error requesting data"..any clue?

Hi all

since 2 days ago fro some reason my home assistant instance will not connect to my UDM with this error

Retrying setup: Error requesting data from 74acb944e66604b933b604eed86e05ecaba0.id.ui.direct: Cannot connect to host 74acb944e66604b933b604eed86e05ecaba0.id.ui.direct:443 ssl:default [Name does not resolve]
13 devices and 462 entities

Can any one help try and point me in the right direction on how to debug this?



seeing the same.

Retrying setup: Error requesting data from 245a4c6f77a405bd9bee060a8f9060a32817.id.ui.direct: Cannot connect to host 245a4c6f77a405bd9bee060a8f9060a32817.id.ui.dir

I deleted the integration and re-added it. All working now