OTA updates in ZHA

I am totally new to Home assistant, and I found a few topics on how to get more features from the Danfoss Ally TRV by updating to firmware 1.08. It appears that this can be done with ZHA, and I did try to add a folder to my file configurator, in which I uploaded the new firmware file from Danfoss. Then I added the OTA section from the ZHA documentation to my config file:

      ikea_provider: true                        # Auto update Trådfri devices
      ledvance_provider: true                    # Auto update LEDVANCE devices
      otau_directory: /path/to/your/ota/folder  # Utilize .ota files to update everything else

And changed the path to my new OTA folder. My question is, what happens now? How do I initiate the firmware update or at least follow the progress of the installation?

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Hi Christian,

Did you figure out how to initiate the update?

  1. The ZHA updates need to be setup, which is already done according to the question, but for other readers here are [the setup OTA for ZHA]/
  2. zha-toolkit’s ota_notify accelerates updating the firmware list. By default, ZHA (zigpy) only updates its internal index once after startup. zha-toolkit/ota_notify does that every time that service is called, so you can add or update files in your otau_directory without having to restart HA.
    ota_notify sends a Zigbee message to the selected device to indicate that it should try to start updating its firmware.
  3. I published a [script to download the OTA images from koen/zigbee-OTA](zha-toolkit/fetchOTAfw.sh at 7ed030fa51ea18c79e2e592d2252695cc528d42f · mdeweerd/zha-toolkit · GitHub) to the directory where the script is launched from. (Sorry, it’s not integrated as a zha-toolkit service, and it’s downloading all firmware, not only the usefull ones).

any chance to get these both combined via hacs? :slight_smile:

Technically it is possible.

It has to be wrapped/recoded to a python interface and tested, then integrated in higher level functions (ZHA-toolkit service, (code) proposal for integration in zigpy).

In practice, I personally do not have the time to work on this, but I am willing to review and accept it in zha-toolkit when proposed.

zha-toolkit now downloads the FW listed on Koenkk/zigbee-OTA through ota_notify when download is set to true.

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