OTA updates with Zigbee2MQTT almost always fail.


I wasn’t sure where to post my concern, here or on the Zigbee2MQTT Github, feel free to delete the topic if it’s out of place.

First of all, I’m new to Home Assistant. I hope you’ll have enough information. Don’t hesitate to ask me for more.

I’m using Home Assistant with Unraid in a VM with a Sonoff ZBDongle-E flashed with the latest Zigbee firmware (EZSP) build 0 via the Google Chrome method.

I was able to pair my first devices without any problems. I tried to update the equipment (LIDL and Ikea sockets). The first OTA update went through without a hitch a few days ago (it took 10 or 15 minutes).

But since yesterday, no more OTA updates have been able to finish.I get errors after a few minutes of updating. I can restart (it resumes at the same percentage) but it re-crashes a few minutes later. I’ve asked ChatGPT for some advice:

  • I’ve changed the USB extension cord
  • I’ve changed the USB port
  • I’ve restarted HomeAssistant/Zigbee2MQTT
  • I’ve unplugged/replugged the outlets.
  • I’ve moved the dongle.

Nothing seems to improve the situation. I can find very little information on this subject on Google (which I’m not very good at).

Here are the errors returned:

error 2024-12-31 15:44:01zh:ezsp:uart: --> Error: Error: {"sequence":4} after 4000ms
error 2024-12-31 15:44:01zh:ezsp:uart: -!- break waiting (4)
error 2024-12-31 15:44:01zh:ezsp:uart: Can't send DATA frame (3,0,0): 530001340000767c0401190001010001000097984319d305004111a3d3c0000000ec6b0200322bf163049b589a069a49900600a3980519c051060b4a4a4a12f21a038b4a1bf41a03cb4a1bf61a031328a3022ac002b200a3
error 2024-12-31 15:44:05zh:ezsp:uart: --> Error: Error: {"sequence":4} after 4000ms
error 2024-12-31 15:44:05zh:ezsp:uart: -!- break rewaiting (4)
error 2024-12-31 15:44:05zh:ezsp:uart: Can't resend DATA frame (3,0,1): 530001340000767c0401190001010001000097984319d305004111a3d3c0000000ec6b0200322bf163049b589a069a49900600a3980519c051060b4a4a4a12f21a038b4a1bf41a03cb4a1bf61a031328a3022ac002b200a3
error 2024-12-31 15:44:13zh:ezsp:uart: --> Error: Error: {"sequence":-1} after 10000ms
error 2024-12-31 15:44:13zh:ezsp:uart: Failed to reset on Error Frame: Error: Reset error: Error: {"sequence":-1} after 10000ms
error 2024-12-31 15:44:37zh:ezsp:ezsp: Connection attempt 1 error: Error: Error Resource temporarily unavailable Cannot lock port
error 2024-12-31 15:44:39z2m: Adapter disconnected, stopping

If you’ve got any ideas! Thank you very much

Not sure, if that helps in your case, but when I had issues like that, the solution was as simple as making sure that the device had been in contact with the dongle recently (e.g. within the last 10s).
For my Aqara devices, this was achieved by pressing the little button on each one of the devices, the IKEA buttons needed to have been pushed recently, and for my Hue TapDialSwitches I just needed to push one of the buttons as well.

Might help, might not - but I guess, it’s worth a try :confused:

I have several smart plugs and had successful updates till they got stuck at one point.

After some research I found out it was a bug in the device… I had to unplug them fully and plug them back in to power cycle them… After that they would take the next update.

Also try only updating ONE device, the updates are slow and take up a lot of the networks time so try not flood it with a lot of updates at once.

Thanks for your reply, I’ll try unplugging the sockets/bulbs (that’s all I’m trying to update at the moment) and plugging them back in just before running an update to see.

Update: unfortunately, things don’t seem to be getting any better

Thanks for your reply. I’ve tried several times to disconnect and reconnect sockets and bulbs between errors without any improvement. The update resumes where it left off. Sometimes it advances a few percent between 2 crashes, sometimes it starts again at 0.

Yes, I’ve read that you should only update one device at a time to avoid errors/overloads.