Our Google Assistant skill is live!

I did expect some backlash when making a too expensive remark, but now that I’ve read some of the replies let me add some additional comments.

  1. I didn’t realize that any of these funds went towards HA development. I’m sure its documented, even advertised somewhere, but the path I took when looking into it didn’t lead me there. Now that I have been made aware of that fact I think the $5 a month option is a lot more palatable.

  2. That being said, I wasn’t necessarily saying that I couldn’t afford $5 a month. I do appreciate the skip a coffee sentiment, but I personally haven’t been to a Starbucks in years. What I was getting at is that the yearly payment option fits me better than monthly, and its possible that it fits others better too. Plex seems to have been quite successful with with a yearly Premium option, and also has a similar model where the vast majority of their features are completely free as well. If $25 isn’t right, then 30, 40, whatever, but the point is I think you may have more overall income at a yearly rate than monthly or maybe offer both, and provide a discount for paying a full year upfront. I don’t expect the expensive of a subscriber scales at the same rate as the revenue of a subscriber.

After all this is just one mans opinion and I look forward to hearing more replies.

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But Starbucks is not where you get coffee, it is a place for tasteless muck masquerading as coffee.