Our Groceries Card


  • show your shopping lists
  • toggle crossed off items in a list
  • add items to a list


Name Type Requirement Default Description
type string Required custom:our-groceries-card
title string Optional <Sensor Name> Change card title
show_header boolean Optional true Show or hide header
entity string Optional sensor.our_groceries the our groceries sensor
show_crossed_off boolean Optional true show crossed of list items
sort_by_name boolean Optional false sort all items by name
hide_empty_lists boolean Optional false hide lists with no active items
show_lists list Optional false list of list ids to only show on card

aahhh that looks awesome! thinking about moving from remember the milk because of your integration and card!

This looks cool and wanted to give it a whirl, but I’m getting an error when I check config after adding the integration saying the ourgroceries version cannot be found. I did notice it’s looking for the version before the latest, ie, if I install 1.3.9, it wants 1.3.8, so I tried installing 1.3.8 and then it wanted 1.3.7

Hey ljmerza,

I installed your integration and got the card setup, but I have run into some issues:

  1. Currently this setup displays all your shopping list, is it possible to have the ability to specify which list you want displayed?

  2. Is it possible to add a date feature to each list.

  3. In terms of styling is that all supposed to be handled with card-mod

  4. Currently it appears that is the list is fairly long that there is no way to scroll through the list. Is that some thing that can be added?

Ok, I’m feeling really stupid. I cannot get the integration and card to install.

I added both through HACS, but when I add the username & password section, i get this error:

Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: Secret [email protected] not defined

This is what I added to the config/configuration.yaml:

  username: !secret [email protected]
  password: !secret password

Can someone give a step-by-step installation guide?

Screenshot please! :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m trying to setup OurGroceries and this is as far as I get.

  • the count per list
  • I can add (type) a new item

But I cannot see any item.

Any idea ?

Thanks a bunch.

click the list name to see the items in the list
the + adds item to the list

Our Groceries stopped working after the release of 2023.09.b5.

Created a new issue on the github site.

I just updated HA to 2023.12.0, which adds the Our Groceries integration. I have the Our Groceries card downloaded but it’s nowhere in the cards list. Am i doing something wrong?

Edit: i manually created the card, but the only thing that shows is the main header. It doesn’t show any of the lists, items in a list, or any way to add them.

This is the code i used:

type: custom:our-groceries-card
title: Our Shopping
show_header: true
entity: todo.walmart
show_crossed_off: true
sort_by_name: true
hide_empty_lists: false
  - todo.walmart

Mine show up in the Todo tab on the left.

I found it, but it puts ALL items in the list, with no certain order to the items. Because there isn’t a text input box, it means scrolling through the 540 items in my list.

For a basic to-do list, it’s great. For the integration with Our Groceries, it’s absolutely worthless IMHO.