Outdoor motion detector redux

Hey all,

This seems to be a fairly common topic here, but most of the discussions I found revolve around products that are no longer available.

Due to HOA restrictions, I was not able to install floodlights on the corners of the house like literally everywhere else I have lived. Long story, don’t ask.

I’ve got a plethora of wall mounted lighting on the outside of the house that light up the driveway quite nicely.

Luckily I’ve got an electrical receptacle mounted on the eave of the house overlooking the driveway. The soffit and fascia are all painted white, so Ideally I want a white sensor. The downside of this receptacle is it’s pretty high up. I’m going to have to beg/borrow/steal a ladder long enough to get up there to install the sensor, so I want a sensor that is powered not batteries.

What I want to do is set up an automation to turn on the lights (2 switches) when motion is sensed in the driveway.

Easy peasy right, well; not so much.

The Zooz Z-Wave Plus S2 Outdoor Motion Sensor ZSE29 seems to fit all the requirements, if I could only buy one.

The Philips Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor might be fine, but it’s black. That’s gonna stick out like a sore thumb. If it’s the only viable option, maybe I’ll just paint it white…

Any thoughts on others?

And yes this is definitely outdoors and this thing will get wet. Our climate here is sub-tropical (Williamsburg, VA) and it rains fairly frequently and with intensity and wind.

Thanks in advance for your foresight.

I use 2 groups of Hue outdoor sensors for my house lighting. Some 2 years old, some 4+ years old, weathering NY State winters, I’ve only had to change batteries in one so far, to date. If only the Sapsuckers here would leave them alone, but that’s another story.

If in your shoes I’d give 'em a trial in an accessible location, and pick up some white spray paint while at it. :wink:

The Philips Hue is battery powered only. That’s a complete non-starter for my application.

The folks at the Smartest House tell me the Zooz ZSE29 is discontinued.

The ZSE70 is forthcoming which will report motion as well as lux and temperature.

This isn’t an immediate requirement so, I’ll wait for that.

Appreciate the feedback
