Outdoor Soil Mosture Sensor

Have a few planter boxes on deck, would like to alert when they need watering. Anyone find a good outdoor soil moisture sensor I can tie in to Home Assistant?

Ecowitt makes an inexpensive soil moisture sensor and equally inexpensive gateway. There is a local integration. They also make weather monitors and temperature sensors. I have 2 in service with no issues for several years.

I am using the Gardena Sensors and Gateway. There is an integration for them

thanks. I iwll take a look at it

Late to the party, but I have numerous MiFlora soil sensors that I primarily use for indoor plants, and 3D printed a simple cover so I can also use them outside in a few spots. Have had good luck thus far.

Thanks. Will look at them

Do you have to use their gateway or can they connect to a Zigbee, or Z-Wave or Wifi network and talk to Home Assistant?

I am using their gateway, don’t think anything else will work. The gateway provides the WiFi connection. Don’t know what protocoll the sensors use to communicate with the gateway.

They operate on the 915Mhz frequency spectrum, so the gateway is required. You could probably use an SDR but for the low cost of the gateway, I wouldn’t waste the effort.

I appreciate the response. digging in …

BTW: For the integration you need HACS, it still works fine for me.