Output a input_text entity containing markdown into a markdown card


I want to run an automation that feed a input_text helper with, well text but more precisely, markdown text.

I want to output this entity into a markdown card and I expect the markdown to be respected but that doesn’t work correctly. It looks like the markdown is sometimes ignored, sometimes interpreted… Am I doing this right ?

Service call:

service: input_text.set_value
  value: >-
    Jour 5 <br /><br />  BlaBla:<br /> * Anglais - Période 5 <br /><br />
    BlaBla:<br /> * Éduc - Période 4 <br> * Musique - Période 5  <br />
  entity_id: input_text.matiere_ecole

With this example, if I use the developer tool to call, I see no error, the service get called and seems to work, but it doesn’t update the entity at all…

Content of my markdown card:

# {{states('input_text.matiere_ecole')}}

It work with simple text or very simple markdown but there’s something weird. What am I missing ?


I know this is an old post, but I am having the exact same problem. Was there ever an answer?

Hi! Welcome to the forum!

It’s been a while since this post, I can’t remember what was the problem and I don’t see anything different in my post VS what I have now… But yes it is working as expected now, I just can’t tell you if it was an error on my side of if I did something specific to fix it, it’s running without issue… Here’s a part of my working automation:

I run an automation during the night that look into a calendar and feed the helper based on the calendar value.

  - conditions:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: calendar.calendrier_scolaire
        attribute: message
        state: "Primaire : J1"
      - data:
          value: >-
            Jour 1 <br /><br />  ZZZZZZ:<br /> * Journée Normale 💩 <br /><br
            />  YYYYYY:<br /> * Anglais - Période 2
          entity_id: input_text.matiere_ecole
        action: input_text.set_value

Here’s the card I use to display in lovelace:

type: markdown
title: Prochaine journée
content: "{{states(‘input_text.matiere_ecole’)}} "