Output date 14 days from now

Hello people. I thought I got it but not quite. I need to output the (date + 14) from now in this format 12/11(month/day). So if today’s date is 11/27. I want to get 12/11. I have this code so far, but it will not work fully.

{% set today = now().month  ~ '/' ~ (now().day+14)  %}
{{ today }}



I would have though this would work:

{{ (now() + timedelta(days = 14))|timestamp_custom('%-m/%d', true ) }}

It gets the correct date but does not format it for some reason.

Even this is not formatting:

{{ now()|timestamp_custom('%-m/%d', true ) }}

You need to convert it to a timestamp first to be able to change the format.
Building on tom_I suggestion.

{{ as_timestamp(now() + timedelta(days = 14))|timestamp_custom('%-m/%d', true ) }}

Completing your initial post.
{% set today = as_timestamp(now() + timedelta(days = 14))|timestamp_custom('%-m/%d', true )  %}
{{ today }}


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Thanks guys for taking the time to help out. Much appreciated.