Overkiz API and Somfy API

Ok, no good news, but, I fully understand and accept that you have to set priorities. So I have to be patient and wait. Anticipation is half the pleasure :wink:

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Same here; I moved to a new job and this is eating all my time. I have some time left for some maintenance of the integration, but developing the ‘beta branch’ of the local integration to something ready for core (including tests) is a lot of work :frowning:.

Okay we will have to wait :sleepy:

I have buy urgently a new Tahoma Switch because I thought it would not much work to have it locally working :grinning:

But do you think that this year there will be local support or is that not sure? (At the moment I have both Tahoma’s running and I was planning to use the new Switch in Home Assistant when local support arrives and then I wanted to power off the Version1. But what I now understand is that this will be a long time before it arrives, so maybe I have to swap the Tahomas now already.)

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God luck in new job!

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Did anyone else with a connexxoon gateway get an email from Somfy asking them to switch from the Conexxoon App to the Tahoma App?

The email says you cant go back once you move to the other app, so I am a bit worried that this will apply some irreversible changes on my conexxoon gateway which might lead to me losing the HA connection. If anybody also got this, and was brave enough to try, please report back :slight_smile:

Good day,

Currently you are using the Connexoon app to operate your smart home devices. Would you like to have a new app that is even easier to use and offers more possibilities? Then download the new TaHoma App 3.0 now.
Learn more
Available on Google Play and in the App Store
Download TaHoma 3.0 app in the App Store
Download TaHoma 3.0 App in Google Play Store
Please note:
Once you have downloaded the new TaHoma 3.0 app and connected it to your devices, you will not be able to switch back to the Connexoon app.

I just did yesterday and it was pretty smooth.

Nothing changed on HA side, all my blinds opened as expected this morning.

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Did your somfy integration still work?

I did not get the integration running with the old connexoon or after the migration.

Setup erneut versuchen: [Errno Expecting value] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/DTD/xhtml-rdfa-1.dtd">

Yep, it still did. It was completely transparent for me.

ok cool. I get an Raidlimit error.

pymfy.api.error.QuotaViolationException: error_code: policies.ratelimit.QuotaViolation, fault_string: Rate limit quota violation. Quota limit exceeded.

I follow this Thread a little before I Dare to Switch from connexoon to tahoma. :see_no_evil:

I would move to the Overkiz integration, especially since Somfy will be removed from core in 2022.7.

You’re right, I’m using Overkiz not Somfy. Dunno if that makes a difference when migrating to Tahoma from Connexoon

I did not get this email, and can’t seem to find Tahoma 3.0 in the play store.
Maybe it is for selected countries at this time?

when i try to switch to the suggested official core „Overkiz (by Somfy)“ integration i get an error message. See below

I have installed in parallel Overkiz as custom component. Do i have to remove it first?

Is there a benefit between the custom component, and the official in core?


Diese Integration unterstützt keine Konfiguration über die Benutzeroberfläche. Wenn du diesem Link von der Home Assistant-Website gefolgt bist, stelle sicher, dass du die neueste Version von Home Assistant ausführst.

@hakspiel the core integration will be maintained, where the custom integration won’t be maintained as actively anymore. If all your devices are supported in core, I would remove the custom one and switch.

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So the Error when i try to install the core component will disapear, as soon as the custom component is deinstalled?

It should be, however my advice would to just try it out… I have seen some users that faced issues, where only a rebuild of the container solved the dependency issue.

Want to help test the local API?

There are still many things that need to be polished for the local API, however it would be good to already run some user tests. Best way to deliver feedback is on our Discord.

If you have developer experience, you can try to check out and run Add local API support to Overkiz integration (Somfy TaHoma Developer Mode) by iMicknl · Pull Request #71644 · home-assistant/core (github.com).

Otherwise, you can follow the next steps:

  1. Follow the installation steps for this custom component:
    alandtse/pr_custom_component: Create a custom component from a Home Assistant Integration Pull Request. Use this when you want to test a pull request that changes a built in integration. (github.com)

  2. When you are done, provide the following URL https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/71644 and follow the steps of the documentation above.

Now you should have our alpha version to test. Please don’t test it on your production instance, since there can be still bugs / breaking changes.


I will test the alpha version this week on my Tahoma Switch.

I just needs some parts for my test RaspBerry Pi 4 and then I will share my results.

I have the connectivity kit with RTS covers. However, I’m unable to move them to ‘my position’. After reading through this thread, I’m a little bit unsure, if this is actually supported by the overkiz API or not!?