Overkiz API and Somfy API

Awesome work, @dmaasland! I hoped to have local support in the upcoming HA version (in May), but I am afraid that this will be in June due to a bug on Somfy’s side. ( Cannot register (local) event listener · Issue #4 · Somfy-Developer/Somfy-TaHoma-Developer-Mode (github.com)).

I have a proof of concept working with Overkiz in core, now we just need to polish the code over the next months and I will have a look if we can support jailbroken Connexoon as well! :slight_smile:


I know it’s been a while, but today I was forced to change from somf to overkiz and it comes to me much faster. Does this integration work outside the cloud, directly over the LAN?

Glad you made the switch. The official api was a shame.
The Overkiz integration still does cloud polling as explained in the documentation.

But Somfy finally exposed a local API (see previous messages) and well will update the component to use it.

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I have an issue where it seems to time out after 24hrs etc. It works fine and accepts my password and I can see and control the entities, but after approx 24hrs the Integration says attention and no longer works, I re-enter my somfy password and it goes back to a working state. Obviously having to manually do this every 24hrs makes this unusable. I am connecting to the Oceania region, any ideas?

Check your logs and see how often its polling. I’m having issues with a bug that makes it poll once per minute, and I’m getting banned constantly. The ban at this stage has only been as much as half hour, but its enough to trigger the reauth once a day (like what you are having). I am also Oceania.

This is what is mentioned in the log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.overkiz
Source: helpers/update_coordinator.py:231
Integration: Overkiz (by Somfy) (documentation, issues)
First occurred: May 5, 2022, 2:00:28 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: May 5, 2022, 2:00:28 PM

Authentication failed while fetching device events data: Invalid authentication.

Thats just the failed auth error itself, I get these every ~60 seconds,

2022-05-05 13:19:33 INFO (MainThread) [backoff] Backing off fetch_events(...) for 0.0s (pyoverkiz.exceptions.NotAuthenticatedException: Not authenticated)

There was an update for the TaHoma box 2dayz ago. Will that do the trick to have a local support by Overkiz?

Yes, local support was already there but still had a critical bug. This bug has been fixed and we can now start to integrate this.

However, our time is currently quite limited, thus it can take a while. There is a very early alpha version available on GitHub (GitHub - iMicknl/home-assistant-core at overkiz/local_support), however this will require knowledge how to run a core development instance.

You can follow our development in that branch.

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Thanks for the reply, I will have a look at the alpha, however, I probably rather wait until you implemented it. I am not that good in HA.
So take your time, as long as I know it’s in the pipeline, I am happy. I‘ll be patient, I am happy that there are people out there doing all this coding

Indeed, super grateful for all the work put in. Overkiz has become a critical part of my home automation. So big thanks!

Yes this is huge, as I’m building a new house with Somfy IO blinds and a Thermia Kalibra heathpump that uses Danfos icon thermostats The Somfy TaHoma® DIN-Rail should be perfect to combine this into home assistant with a local api in the future.

Let me know if i’m making wrong assumptions and keep up to good work!

Are you sure that the DIN rail has a local API as well?

Very nice to see this development for local api. Does this still require jailbreaking the connexoon? Or can you simply use latest orginal firmware for local access?

How can I get the blind state? I see Unknown.

That’s just a setting to update now in your Somfy account. Sadly it’s not supported for the Conexoon. See Connexoon support · Issue #9 · Somfy-Developer/Somfy-TaHoma-Developer-Mode · GitHub

There is nothing to do. If you own RTS blind, they are stateless, so we cannot return the position.

Is it possible to set the state as result of last action? Like if close button was clicked - set state as closed.

What you want is called optimistic mode. We don’t and will not support it as it’s a feature of the cover template. You can also enable the hidden entity named Target Closure which is the last asked position.


I don’t know if it can help. But I have installed a zigbee door sensor on every Somfy RTS cover that I have, then I created a cover template so that I know exactly the state open/close.
Of course, I can’t know the position.