I’m afraid by the loss of functionality too. But the good news is they planned to migrate their products using the old API to the new one. Meaning they probably planned to enhance it.
Can you contact me by PM? I would like to see what /devices endpoint returns for you: https://developer.somfy.com/ I want to be sure I didn’t make any mistake.
The ability to set the “My Position” on the somfy blinds isn’t available in the API and so it sort of makes the blinds redundant in HA other than to close them. I am going to order an RFXtrx433XL and perhaps switch to that. Hopefully that can replicate the “My Position” that is supported by the remote and the Tahoma component.
I am also finding that the Tahoma seems to stop responding after a while for some reason.
You can set it to open close and my (my is a predefined position)
At the moment i use homebridge with the connexoon plugin because the tahoma plugin in home assistant does not work for me. Homebridge is connected in home assistant with homekit control, only the status updates are slow (now solved with a restart of home assistant)
With this integration i can set the position to 50 and than it goes to the my position.
Yes I would have expected that with the new API as I understand that Somfy have not yes exposed the “My Position” yet in the new API. As for the state even the Tahoma and Connexoon don’t know the state of the blinds as 433mhz is one way (no state update) so like you’ve mentioned above any state would need to be tracked in HA.
The point of my question really was to see if the core functions work in terms of the Connexoon box itself.
I am going to try a RFXtrx433XL instead as I prefer the local processing rather than relying on another Cloud connected product.
OK, perhaps I can enhance the Somfy component to “guess” the state. For instance, if through HA you open or close your state, indeed, we can assume a position set to 0 or 100. It will be right for you?
You can all remove the Somfy entry within your configuration.yaml. There is no need anymore to create an application on the Somfy developper website Just remove the Somfy integration before restarting HA and add it again.
Somfy told us they tweak a little the application used by the HA cloud to avoid error we all met.
So, I implemented on my test HA what we talked about: if you open your RTS cover with HA, this one must know the cover is open. The same when you close with HA.
Problem: if someone open/close manually the cover, HA won’t be aware (normal behavior), and you won’t be able to close/open it with HA as the option will be disabled.
It sound not user friendly.
If you really want to do this, I suggest you to create a custom component where you override the behavior. I can give you the code in PM.
At the moment i use the homebridge integration in the same way, only i can send manualy a position where it’s in (with node-red). I think that this is still possible with this.
You can send me a PM and i will test it, but i need the my position before i migrate to this, hope somfy will implement it.
But this is the first step.
Hi, the camera is indeed supported by the API, but not by HA. You have to know it will only allow to open on close the shutter. The video stream is not exposed.
I can try to add the shutter switch this week. Can I contact you by PM,II will need your help as I don’t have any camera.