Overkiz API and Somfy API

Ok, that’s good to know, but as @vlebourl wrote the Somfy component - which I am using - is not affacted. So I will wait and see how the things go on and how good the integration works for me.

I dont need to know the blinds position (they are RTS anyway) and only use HA and the Somfy integration to close and open them when the house alarm sets. So I could change the poll time to 1 hour? .
I have looked at the integration and I dont have any options like that within the system options tab, just the “enable newly added entities” Am I looking in the wrong place?

The email was about Tahoma integration only. Users using the Somfy API aren’t concerned.

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I had the email too?

Few posts above

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I dumped the TaHoma integration from my home assistant installation more than half a year ago. And I still got the mail. Does Somfy even know what they are doing?

Sorry for the negative attitude. I think @tetienne did and still does a marvelous job developing and maintaining the Somfy component. But the company doesn’t really support the open source community and treats you more like a step kid. That makes your efforts even more valuable and honorable.

You rock! :partying_face:

I see there was a code update to change the scan_interval.

Given the ongoing issue with Somfy and polling, would it make sense to add the scan_interval as a config option?
In my system, I have no need to poll Somfy (afaik), as I get no state info back on my RTS covers.
Thus all I need is to send open/close events via automation.
So for me an scan_interval in days would be fine (unless I missunderstood what the scan does).

If agreed, I’ll make a pull request to add the option.

Hi, as said above, the email was sent by mistake to the users using the official api. There is no need to change the polling interval

Hello to everybody, I have io motors (7 pieces) and I still didnt buy controller for them. Somebody told that we are need to wait for the 31st of October, then guys from Somfy will definately come up with some “solution”/ information?

My concern is whether to buy Somfy Conexoon IO hub or Tahoma hub (I really need only for roller shutters, nothing more). Or to wait and see and maaybe to consider KLF200?
What do you guys think, should I wait or just buy conexoon IO just to try?


I use a Conexoon and the offiicial Somfy API (Somfy integration in HA) and it works. But from time to time there are some timeouts and my covers won’t response.
If I got it right the advantage of the KLF is that it has a local running API which makes you independent from the Internet. The Conexoon box needs the internet to work. So I would suggest to go with the KLF.

Thanks @azrael783 .
Just a question - if the KLF200 is a wireless option? I dont need to manually do a wiring to each of my roller shutters? KLF200 can detect swimming signal for io communication protocol?


I think someone wrote here in this chat, that the KLF is able to connect 5 wired devices and he mentioned that he has 12 IO devices connected.

Yes, I saw, so basically I need I hard wiring to my motors right?

No. You can have a look at the doc here: https://velcdn.azureedge.net/-/media/marketing/au/downloads/installation%20instructions/klf200-gb_454069-2016-10.pdf

The KLF communicates wirelessly with io-homecontrol capable devices. The wired connections are used to interface with devices that do not have io-homecontrol.

Thanks @vlebourl.
Soo, can someone confirm that KLF200 can control somfy Oximo io motors? :slight_smile:

I spoke to a friend, who is a somfy retailer. I have 12 RS100io motors and I can control them using one Velux KLF200. He also told me, that Somfy Oximo motors are an older model but also using 868Mhz frequency and compatible to the io homecontrol standard. So it should work.

Nice, just Im afraid that I will not have a clue how to pair those somfy io motors with KLF200…this is a pure legit “hacking” and mambo-jambo solution :slight_smile:

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Also, if there an option with KLF200 to setup roller shutter like 30% open, 50% open so on?

Yes, you basically have the same control options as with the Somfy API (open, close, set_position). However, this is the Somfy API thread. If you wish, I can give you more detail in a PN.

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yeas, please do. Thanks!