Overkiz (Somfy) UpDownHorizontalAwning close is also open

Since a day or so, most likely after upgrading to 2023-4, my RTS awning from Somfy is opening all the time. After a long search I finally figured out that both the close button and the close service call open the awning. It is not that things are reversed, no - it now has open, stop and open buttons.

Am I the only one, and can some one tell me if it is Overkiz or Home Assistant causing this? If I put in a bug report I’d like to point in the right direction if I can. I tried searching here but did not see any one else.

The awning is connected though the Overkiz integration, that is connected to Somfy Tahoma.

Nevermind, I found the Tahoma app is also malfunctioning, so it is neither HomeAssistant nor Overkiz. It is Somfy. Especially weird, because I updated that firmware too, but after it started malfunctioning. So it seems it updated on its own, and then pushed a firmware that does not solve it.

@imick : If any one else comes to you with this problem, you can point them here and know you cannot do anything about it.

I’m having same problem, same circumstances
Will try to contact Somfy

Update just now from Somfy support:

Somfy is aware of the issue and is working on update to be pushed out. In the meantime, there is a fix. You would have to remove the awning channel from the app and re-added as a ROLLER SHUTTER instead. You should then have full control of the awning up or down. The buttons may still be backward but the fix will fix that.
Thank you,

Somfy wrote me last night, says they have a new firmware release coming out tomorrow (April 26) that will fix this issue.

Right on cue, I got the Tohoma update (the mobile app told me it’s available when I opened the app).
And it’s fixed.

FYI here’s a vendor page for Tahoma updates (although today’s is not listed).