trying to set a z-index on the entity_picture in this button but I cant find the correct css property, or syntax…
type: custom:button-card
- button_summary
entity: sensor.u_s_air_pollution_level
name: Aqi
size: 70%
show_last_changed: true
show_state: true
state_display: >
[[[ return entity.state.replace('_',' '); ]]]
show_entity_picture: true
show_name: trye
# variables:
# text_color: >
# [[[ var mapper = {'good':'darkgreen','moderate':'gold',
# 'unhealthy_sensitive':'orange',
# 'unhealthy':'red','very_unhealthy':'purple','hazardous':'maroon'};
# return mapper[entity.state] || 'grey'; ]]]
entity_picture: >
[[[ var mapper = {'good':'ic-face-1','moderate':'ic-face-2',
var picture = mapper[entity.state] || 'ic-face-6';
var path = '/local/weather/aqi_icons/'
var ext = '.svg'
return path + picture + ext; ]]]
#show_state: false
action: navigate
navigation_path: /ui-overzicht/weer
# is the correct?
- z-index: 10
- color: >
[[[ return 'var(--primary-color)'; ]]]
- background-color: >
[[[ var aqi = states['sensor.u_s_air_quality_index'].state;
if (aqi <= 50) return '#A8E05F';
if (aqi <= 100) return '#FDD64B';
if (aqi <= 150) return '#FF9B57';
if (aqi <= 200) return '#FE6A69';
if (aqi <= 300) return '#A97ABC';
return '#A87383'; ]]]
I can change the size, but would rather even have the picture a bit larger. So, if at all possible, I would love to be able to make it push over the name, which wint ever change
would appreciate if someone could have a look please, thx