Overlay on map card

Is it possible to add an overlay text at an Map card?

      - type: map
        #aspect_ratio: 16:9
        aspect_ratio: '2'
        default_zoom: 11
          - device_tracker.xxx
          - device_tracker.xxx
          - type: state-label
            entity: sensor.xxxx
            prefix: 'R. -- '
            style: {color: red, left: 26%, top: 6%}

Above isn’t working, any idea?

You can put a map card in a picture-elements card: https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-config/wiki/Misc-tricks#cardelemententity-row-triality

Looked at the picture element and tried some stuff, but not getting it to work…

Will try some more…

Great, my “own” topic :slight_smile:
Still trying to get this work but no luck.

Anybody an solution to add some overlay on a map card?