Override Attribute Name In History Card

Anybody know how I might override the name of an attribute in the history graph? Right now I see the following…

type: history-graph
  - entity: sensor.average_outdoor_temperature
    name: Outdoor Temperature
  - entity: climate.ecobee_thermostat
    name: Thermostat
hours_to_show: 24
refresh_interval: 60

I’d like to be able to rename those “Thermostat current temperature” ones to something shorter for better display on small screens. Any help would be appreciated.


I add my voice to yours. having some control over the names and their positions would help in the case of comparing different types of entities (in my case Switch/Sensor) the time is not aligned

May be having the edit click next to each entity like the mushroom chips card would help.

History Card

Created a feature request here