Override Do not Disturb for Notifications

I want to override do not disturb mode in Android for some notifications. I have been reading companion App Docs but I didn’t make it work unless using alarm_stream channel.

My Phone is Samsung Galaxy S21 with Android 14.

The only way I can override do not disturb is by this way

message: test
    channel: alarm_stream

But If I want to use other channel for example to use different sound or have multiple channels, I can’t make it work. Setting the channel as importance high doesn’t works.

message: Test
    channel: Channel_CCTV
    importance: high

With regards,

This is what I use for my water leak alerts


  • data:
    title: Water leak detected!
    message: Leak detected at {{ trigger.id }}
    channel: Alert
    importance: high
    priority: high
    ttl: 0
    color: “#ff0000
    notification_icon: mdi:water-alert-outline
    visibility: public
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Do you have the same device model as me?
I have tried with your data part and in don’t dirturb mode it doesn’t sound.
Did you configured something in mobile phone?

In docs mention something about allow channel to override do not disturb mode. But I didn’t find where to allow one specific notification channel in do not disturb mode. I only see how to allow an application in do not disturb, but this is not the thing that I want because allowing an app allo notifications will sound.

With regards,

Settings > companion app > notification channels

Select the channel and you should be able to override DND

There is only one alarm steam channel due to the way things currently work

I have search for that option and seems that in my device is not. I don’t know if there is something related with Samsung OneUI. I have One UI 6.1

What I wanted to say related with the alarm_stream is that at the moment for me is the only way that I can get notifications on don’t disturb mode.

With regards,

Same problem. Don’t know how to add new notification channels on companion app.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S21 with OneUI 6.1

its in the docs https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notifications-basic/#notification-channels