I’m using the squeezebox integration. It identifies and controls my squeezelite mediate players great using the media player card. I actually use the “Mini Media Player Card” from HACS but I don’t expect that changes thing. I have a couple of the squeezelite media player connected to amplifiers, with IR control. The squeezebox integration talks with the squeezelite player and changes the signal level provided to the amplifier. This works but doesn’t give the greatest control of the full volume range on the amplifier.
My question, is there anyway to override the action executed when I increase/decrease the media player volume. Ideally I’d set up an automation that would execute in response to volume changes. The automation would override the integration action. Is there anyway to do such a override, either from lovelace prior to it going to the integration, or for the integration action?
There are other buttons I’d like to override like the power button, to power the amplifier on and off. So I might decide to call a smart switch on/off instead of having HA sending the command to squeezelite.