Just switched to Home Assistant from Domoticz so far and I’m loving it.
So far I’ve got presence detection working using some zwave PIR sensors and zwave wall switch dimmers. The problem is that sometimes I my wife will use the wall switch connected to the dimmer to change the light state (eg turn it off at night) and I want this to disable the presence detection.
While I can setup an automation to disable presence detection when the light is switched, this is also triggered when the presence detection switches the light. Is there any way in an automation to tell what caused the state change? ie. from an automation, switch itself, Alexa etc etc?
I think the only way you can tell if it’s been switched by an automation is to set a boolean in the automation itself and use the state of the boolean to see whether it was switched by the automation or elsewhere.
I don’t think there’s any way to just ‘detect’ the on method if it is outside of homeassistant.
I guess you could pull the Alexa in to a separate HA automation with a separate boolean which would give you a bit more clarity.
But yeah, AFAIK, you need to be creative with this one.
Damn, that’s what I feared. I was hoping the would be some way to access the device history and see what caused each action or some way to turn something on, bypassing other automations.