Oversized icons on default weather card

not sure where to put this, but there seems to be an issue with the default weather card and at least the accuweather integration if there’s a weather alert on a given day within the five day forecast. look at how the ! icons overlap the temperatures…


is this something i can fix on my own (either with css or somehow overriding the icons), or is there a bug somewhere else that needs to be looked into?

anyone have any ideas on this?

anyone? i can’t be the only one who this is happening to, i don’t have any special customizations on the weather card…it’s just the default one. how can i fix this?

This was reported https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/6425 and supposedly fixed https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/pull/6634

If not, you should submit another issue in GitHub

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thanks. i had searched a while ago and didn’t see it reported anywhere…it’s been a long few weeks though. is there a way to tell what version this was first fixed in?

I think 0.115 or 0.116, but hard for me to tell.

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that would explain it, i’m still on 0.114.3. was away from home for over a month so i haven’t had a chance to upgrade lately. i’ll do that later today and see if that resolves it. thanks!

upgrading to 0.116.3 has fixed the issue. thanks!