Owlet Smart Sock Baby Monitor

Yes, I also got it working like that, but I wanted to check against the native history graph…

I tried and was not able to generate a graph only the horizontal bar. It states in the documentation of the cards that you need a unit of measurement but even when I added that section it wouldn’t work. I’m thinking it’s a Lovelace issue as I tried with other entities with no luck.

@Domenic_DeBonis or @uiguy,

Do you guys have any useful examples of automations you are using this for or is it strictly data gathering?

I created a replica of the existing owlet app functionality using node red. Its very basic and not even enabled as i need to fine tune more, but it checks if sensor.heartbeat <= x and if oxygen <= x. When either is met it plays an alarm on the Google Home Mini in my bedroom.

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@Domenic_DeBonis, were you able to get this fine tuned? Could you share the export?

I have been traveling, but when I get home I’ll share what I have. It’s not where I want it but it might help guide you.

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[{"id":"176c4ba0.25a8f4","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"a0518db4.41699","type":"server-state-changed","z":"176c4ba0.25a8f4","name":"Heart Rate Sensor","server":"c6ad136c.7b684","entityidfilter":"sensor.adelyn_s_owlet_heart_rate","entityidfiltertype":"exact","outputinitially":false,"state_type":"str","haltifstate":"","halt_if_type":"str","halt_if_compare":"is","outputs":1,"output_only_on_state_change":true,"x":125,"y":156,"wires":[["eb6fa96b.5fb558"]]},{"id":"ef249a55.6d9238","type":"server-state-changed","z":"176c4ba0.25a8f4","name":"Oxygen Level","server":"c6ad136c.7b684","entityidfilter":"sensor.adelyn_s_owlet_oxygen_level","entityidfiltertype":"exact","outputinitially":false,"state_type":"str","haltifstate":"","halt_if_type":"str","halt_if_compare":"is","outputs":1,"output_only_on_state_change":true,"x":104,"y":207,"wires":[["22d85d4b.cfdd32"]]},{"id":"eb6fa96b.5fb558","type":"switch","z":"176c4ba0.25a8f4","name":"","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"lt","v":"60","vt":"num"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":333,"y":157,"wires":[["b22d15f2.983cf8"]]},{"id":"22d85d4b.cfdd32","type":"switch","z":"176c4ba0.25a8f4","name":"","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"lt","v":"80","vt":"num"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":333,"y":215,"wires":[["b22d15f2.983cf8"]]},{"id":"b22d15f2.983cf8","type":"api-current-state","z":"176c4ba0.25a8f4","name":"Check Base Station","server":"c6ad136c.7b684","outputs":2,"halt_if":"off","halt_if_type":"str","halt_if_compare":"is","override_topic":false,"entity_id":"binary_sensor.adelyn_s_owlet_base_station","state_type":"str","state_location":"payload","override_payload":"msg","entity_location":"data","override_data":"msg","x":531,"y":180,"wires":[["63e12e2e.e1be5"],[]]},{"id":"63e12e2e.e1be5","type":"api-call-service","z":"176c4ba0.25a8f4","name":"Check the Baby","server":"c6ad136c.7b684","service_domain":"tts","service":"google_say","data":"{\"entity_id\":\"media_player.bedroom_speaker\",\"message\":\"Go Check on the baby\"}","mergecontext":"","output_location":"","output_location_type":"none","x":757,"y":179,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"c6ad136c.7b684","type":"server","z":"","name":"Home Assistant"}]

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I do not recommend this automation since there is a significant delay due to polling time for the data. The official Owlet app will alert much faster than HA.

I’m having trouble setting up this i keep getting an error saying setup failed for owlet. The username is email correct? Does the base station need to be on for the connection to work?

I figured it out, you have to register using the older app now called “Old Smart Sock” in the ios app store if you use the new app called “New Owlet” it won’t work

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Digging this up to clarify/confirm what @sunglass_guy mentioned, and what @oblogic7 mentioned about a lack of historical data (in the original or “Old Smart Sock” app).

Registering an account via the “Old Smart Sock” iOS app creates a completely different account from the one created when using the “New Owlet” iOS app. “Old Smart Sock” uses Ayla Networks cloud services API (Ayla API Browser), which the current component uses (as do all of the python Owlet API implementations I’ve found).

The Owlet hardware can only be “registered” with one of the iOS applications (and the corresponding account) at a time. Registering it with the “Old Smart Sock” app makes it stop functioning in the “New Owlet” app, and vice versa.

The account/login you use with “Old Smart Sock” also works with the Owlet “Connected Care” app - “Connected Care” is a separate app used to view historical data collected.

The account/login you use with the “New Owlet” app only works there, and the “New Owlet” app has built-in historical data views… it’s also been indicated that the “Old Smart Sock” and “Connected Care” apps will be phased out and replaced by the “New Owlet” app. It’s probably a good idea to create a separate component (or some way to handle/flag “New” vs “Old” in the current component).

I haven’t found any documentation on the “New Owlet” app and any available API… but I’m guessing it no longer uses the Ayla Networks cloud services.

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Does this mean there is no integration for the new app?

Can I register a new account with the old app and then transition to new app?

As above I am trying to integrate this but get an authentication error.

Reading through this as well, as my wife wants this and the automation ideas on here are exactly what I like.

I’m just trying to understand if this no longer works?? Anyone??

I have recently created and released my own that can be installed via hacs.

To install just add my repository: ryanbdclark/owlet: Owlet HA integration (github.com) and install.

I’ve tried to make the integration as easy to use as I could, integration is setup using the UI rather than yaml, also supports reauthentication. Currently I’ve only allowed support for the V3 sock (also known as the dream sock in USA/Canada) if anyone has a V2 sock and is happy to provide the JSON responses they get from the API I would be happy to include support for the V2 sock.

I have submitted pull requests to get this included as a default HACS repository and to get it included in HA core but am waiting on both. Have been using this myself via HACS for several months with no issues. If any bugs are found please open an issue on the repo Issues · ryanbdclark/owlet (github.com)


Do you use this and the owlet app at the same time? I have found that pulling the data outside of the app meant no data was received inside the app itself.

Yep, haven’t had any issues myself

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Well done! Thank you for this, this works really well. We have the dream sock.

Can this also be used with the cam?

I tried to recreate your very good map, but the graph doesn’t work for me. What can I do?