Own tracks and separate yamls

I am spreading things out to different .yaml files before my config gets too big, and I am running into a problem with my location no longer showing up. It did work when it was all in one config.yaml file though. I currently have the following: (truncated to relevant areas)


device_tracker: !include devices/device_tracker.yaml
light: !include devices/lights.yaml
media_player: !include devices/media_players.yaml
sensor: !include devices/sensors.yaml
switch: !include devices/switches.yaml
automation: !include automation.yaml
group: !include groups.yaml
zone: !include zones.yaml


- platform: owntracks
  max_gps_accuracy: 100


- name: Work
  latitude: XXXX
  longitude: XXXX
  radius: 200
  icon: mdi:briefcase

Can you wrap your configuration in triple-backquotes (on a new line)? This will apply formatting such that we can see the amount of indent, which is important for debugging.

Are you seeing any warnings or errors in your HASS log when you start it?

One of these days I remember to start in the logs before bothering you all. The problems were:

  1. forgot to move MQTT over when I created all my new .yaml files
  2. I was tracking the wrong entity in my view. I was tracking “device_tracker.owntracks” needed to be “device_tracker.(device to be tracked)”