Owntrack + tracker, make device hidden?


I have been using device_tracker to show in the UI (lovelace) who is home/away. I recently configured owntrack so i can see, where a device is (on the map in the UI). The only problem i have now is that the device with which i am testing owntrack is always HOME (according to device_tracker) which is not true…

parts of my known devices,yaml:

#from device_tracker
hide_if_away: yes
mac: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: Patrick
picture: /local/pb.jpg
track: yes

#from owntrack
hide_if_away: no
mac: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: PatrickWork
picture: /local/pb.jpg
track: yes

Did i make a mistake in this config?

ps: i am wondering if my fritzbox 4040 is the culprit, it has a feauture that makes the router think my device is at home (vpn). Perhaps it has a vpn session still open?

Figured it out. I should show (home/away) in the UI: device_tracker.patrick_patrick not device_tracker.patrick.