I’ve managed to setup a MQTT Bridge for CloudMQTT/owntracks to my local MQTT broker that I use to import smartthings activity to my HASS. What I’m trying to do, is find a way so that my children are not able to see our locations either by putting them on a different owntracks instance, or by working out what rules I’m supposed to put in CloudMQTT for Topics e.g. is there a way to filter messages so accound kid 1 on CloudMQTT on the same instance as the rest of my family only gets notified of it’s own activity?
Currently I have in HASS:
broker: Redacted
discovery: true
discovery_prefix: smartthings
username: redacted
password: redacted
and the following .conf file in my local MQTT:
connection cloudmqtt
address xxx.cloudmqtt.com:xxxx
remote_username redacted
remote_password redacted
clientid homeassistant
try_private false
start_type automatic
topic # in
and in my HASS config:
- platform: owntracks
max_gps_accuracy: 200
I’ve tried creating a second .conf file for the 2nd owntracks instance, but that broke things (maybe I did it wrong). I’m sure I’m going about this the wrong way.
How do other users report all owntracks activity to HASS, but on the local apps they can only see their own location in the maps?