Owntracks devices not showing up

I have been trying to setup OwnTrack on my iPhone and with HASS.IO running the MQTT Server & Web client Add on and though I seem to have got it all up and running no devices are turning up in my Known_devices.yaml file

The entries in my configuration.yaml file are as follows;

Owntracks Integration

max_gps_accuracy: 50
waypoints: true
mqtt_topic: ‘owntracks/#’
events_only: true
cabin: home
office: work

MQTT Integration

broker: brokeraddress
port: 1883
client_id: ‘hassio-mqtt-client’
keepalive: 60
username: ha
password: password

Device Tracker

Device Tracker info


  • platform: owntracks
    max_gps_accuracy: 100
    waypoints: true
    interval_seconds: 12
    consider_home: 90
    mqqt_topic: ‘owntracks/#’

All the ports are open on my firewall and confirmed as working.

The Owntracks app on my iPhone is saying connected

And checking the logs of the MQTT server (Add-on from HASS.IO page) it can see the connection in the logs. The incoming IP address is of course my firewall address rather than the public address.

Really not sure what I am missing with this TBH.

any help would be appreciated.


I tried to get this working too, but ended up switching to use of https with duckdns component. The tracking is working with https, but no Friends are shown in the iOS App. Guess Friend list is dependent on mqtt. If you get this working please post some notes on what you did :slight_smile:

I’m still playing about with the MQTT setttings @Atle_Ravndal, if I have any break throughs i’ll be the first to let you know.

I upgraded to hassio 0.88 today and now it works with mqtt, friends list is updated in the app too.
I use the local ip address of hassio for mqtt broker, did read somewhere that localhost or dns did not work. Remember to set the ip address static on the router.
broker: 192.168.xx.xx

I have the following in configuration.yaml from earlier, not sure if owntracks need it.

  base_topic: homeassistant
  publish_attributes: true
  publish_timestamps: true