Owntracks HTTP max_gps_accuracy

I made the move and started using owntracks_http i was previously using cloudmqtt

I have been having a problem with my zones since making the swap, sometimes on my map the blue circle for my device can cover three zones in one, this then triggers all three automatons as the device is in three zones.

I have the below in my config

platform: owntracks_http
max_gps_accuracy: 50

It is my understanding that the "max_gps_accuracy" will stop the false reports. I cannot find anything in the owntracks HTTP documentation to state that “max_gps_accuracy” can be used with the HTTP component but have seen serveral configurations where this is used in conjunction with owntracks_http

max_gps_accuracy (Optional): Sometimes Owntracks can report GPS location with a very low accuracy (few kilometers). That can trigger false zoning in your Home Assistant installation. With the parameter, you can filter these GPS reports. The number has to be in meter. For example, if you put 200 only GPS report with an accuracy under 200 will be take in account.

I am seeing GPS co ordinates with a larger accuracy than 50 as below, this covered all four of my zones and triggered all three automatons.


Am i miss understanding how the “max_gps_accuracy” works ? My device is reporting a GPS accuracy of “1000” this is the reason why all three zones have been triggered. I never had issues whilst using cloudmqtt and the only difference was my configuration was

platform: owntracks
max_gps_accuracy: 60
waypoints: true

I never got owntracks to work well until I changed the app settings on my phone to only report when the accuracy was better than 150m. That should stop OT from reporting at all. I agree though - it sounds like there is a bug in the HA OT code.

@TD22057 i have my phone set up as below.

Locator background displacment = 20

Locator background interval = 400

I can see this was raised https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/4180 but was closed so maybe it is still outstanding, i have days where it works fine then others where i get false alarms although does not seem to relate to own track http component