Owntracks HTTP report not reflected in HA

Anyone else having issues with owntracks?

I have owntracks connected to HA via the webhook. Owntracks reports status as ok and shows a 200 response from HA. However, the location does not update in HA. Occurs with two different users/phones.

Seems to be happening after the recent HA upgrade to .89.1

Working fine here.

I think I kow this :wink: had the same. Check your know_devices.yaml. For older versions, tracking was working without an enty in it and then at some point they added it. If you have configured HA to not automatically track new devices, then it stop tracking after the update.

I described it here
https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/21188 though by that point in time I already had reconfigured my owntracks app and forgot to update the key, so title is misleading.

Unfortunately, that’s not it. I am using the owntracks integration and already had the entry for known_devices.yaml as well. :frowning:

Something is up with the owntracks component. I enabled logging and can see a bunch of errors appearing now. Will raise an issue.

Edit: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/22035