OwnTracks Step Counter

Has anyone gotten the step counter for IOS using OwnTracks to work?
This is my report_steps.yaml script:

- service: mqtt.publish
    topic: "owntracks/user/iphone/cmd"
    payload_template: '{"_type":"cmd","action":"reportSteps"}'

My sensor file contains:

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "owntracks/user/iphone"
  name: "Vince Step Counter"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.steps }}"

When i view my mqtt broker logs i can see that the device reports back with the following:

owntracks/user/iphone/step {“from”:1462172400,“tst”:1462244184,“steps”:4342,“_type”:“steps”,“distance”:2976.555562815396,“to”:1462244184,“floorsdown”:2,“floorsup”:2}

Is there something I am missing?

Your sensor topic doesn’t match the topic your steps are published

thank you! yeah dumb move on my part. adding the step was it.

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "owntracks/user/iphone/step"
  name: "Vince Step Counter"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.steps }}"

now, the steps are showing up properly.

Can anyone confirm that this is still a feature in OwnTracks for iOS? If so, do I need to create these directories and files? I would really like to get a little more info so I can set this up. Thanks in advance.