Owntracks updates but doesn't trigger

I have Owntracks up and running and can see myself in HA. I have seen the issues about it not updating in time to kick off the trigger but I am on the phone with my wife when I am driving up to the house and she sees that is shows me away and then home when I get into the radius. I also gave it at least 20 mins a couple times to see if all of a sudden my lights click on but they don’t. I have tried looking to see why this isn’t triggering my lights to come on. I will add conditions later once I get this part figured out. I saw Locative and will try that route too but I am new and trying to find the best solution for my home still. I have the share set on my Owntracks. It seems to be working with HA. Maybe I am underestimating the delay in time for Owntracks? I also tried going the ‘home’ ‘not_home’ state route. Can you take a look and see what I may be overlooking:

 broker: m12.cloudmqtt.com
 port: XXXXX
 client_id: home-assistant-1
 keepalive: 60
 username: HA
 password: XXXXX

 platform: owntracks
 max_gps_accuracy: 250

 name: Home
 latitude: XX.XXXXXX
 longitude: -XX.XXXXXX
 radius: 250
 icon: mdi:home

 alias: Turn On Light
  platform: zone
  entity_id: device_tracker.charlie_charlie
  zone: zone.home
  event: enter
  service: homeassistant.turn_on
  entity_id: switch.ge_12722_onoff_relay_switch_switch_4

I blocked out the GPS but all the GPS locations match. So it seems to be locating me just fine but not triggering. I am trying to turn on the Table Light. If this has been discussed in one of the other owntrack topics, I apologize because I either looked it right over or just didn’t understand that would fix my problem. I was hoping to setup the iBeacon stuff with it using some old iphones I have but got to learn how to make them an iBeacon.

Was talking to my wife when I left work today. I was telling her to make sure the light stayed off to test the automation again. Well it finally triggered but it triggered when I left my work zone in owntracks. She pulled up HA and sure enough it said I was home but I was really 16 miles away. Any ideas?