OWZ hangs HA

Any time I run a Z-wave script (add node, remove node, heal network), HA stops working. The OZW log doesn’t show a problem, the HA log doesn’t show a problem, the system log (systemctl and journalct in Ubuntu) doesn’t show a problem. Lovelace controls are responsive, but nothing happens (lights don’t go on, furnace doesn’t go on). As soon as I reboot the HA server everything is fine. This has been going on for 5 or 6 days.

There is an open issue, maybe more than one, that causes it to crash and the cpu to go to 100% if the network is pushed too hard. This has been open for some time.

Thanks for the reply. Where should I look for the bug report(s), HA or OZW?

GitHub under the qt-openzwave project.

Thanks for that!