OXT TUYA T363S - 3 Phase Meter

Hello, I have procured a OXT T363S 3 Phase power meter that has zigbee connectivity. I have connected it today to HA and it’s being pulled in as Hiking
DDS238-2 (Hiking DDS238-2 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT) which means that the device is not completely compatiable. I would be willing to work with omeone to try and figure out how to get the full capabilites of the device, at the moment it’s not really working correctly (only on/off switch is working… that was fun getting the power back on :slight_smile: )


Check this → [New device support]: OXT (tuya) T363s 3 Phase power meter · Issue #21886 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub